.NET Advanced
Acest curs se concentrează pe dezvoltarea abilităților avansate de programare în limbajul C# și pe utilizarea funcționalităților avansate ale framework-ului .NET.
Durata: 2 zile
Modalitate de livrare: online
Nivel: basic
Pret: 550 Euro
*pretul nu contine TVA;
Cui se adreseaza
Cursul se adreseaza urmatoarelor categorii de persoane:
- Dezvoltatori cu experiență în C# și .NET
- Profesioniști care doresc să lucreze cu .NET Core
- Dezvoltatori care doresc să înțeleagă OOP și design patterns
- Cei interesați de programarea asincronă și gestionarea erorilor
Ce vei invata
1. Recap: HTTP Calls, API, and MVC
- Briefly revisit the concepts of making HTTP calls, understanding APIs, and the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern
2. .NET Architecture
- Middlewares
- Filters and Exception Filters
- Behaviors
- Attributes
- Reflection
3. API vs. MVC
- Create a Middleware: Hands-on exercise to build a custom middleware
- Create a Validation: Implement input validation for API endpoints
- Create a Filter: Develop a custom filter (e.g., authorization filter)
- Create an Attribute: Build a custom attribute (e.g., logging attribute)
4. Database Connection
- ORMs (Object-Relational Mappers): Explore Entity Framework Core (EF Core) and Dapper.
- Database Migrations: Understand EF Core migrations and tools like DbUp.
- Caching: Learn about caching strategies and their impact on performance.
5. Authentication & Authorization
- Auth Bearer: Implement token-based authentication using JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
- Identity in .NET: Explore ASP.NET Core Identity for user management
- Auth Attributes: Use attributes like [Authorize], [AllowAnonymous], and custom authorization attributes
6. Design Patterns
- Strategy Pattern
- Builder Pattern
- Factory Pattern
- Repository Pattern
7. Security
- Validations: Best practices for input validation
- Regular Expressions (Regex): Use regex for pattern matching
- Encoding: Securely handle data encoding and decoding
.NET TRAININGS 4 - SQL Injection Prevention: Techniques to prevent SQL injection attacks
- HTTPS and TLS: Understand secure communication protocols
- Content Security Policy (CSP): Implement CSP for web security
8. Hosting
- Overview of hosting options for ASP.NET Core applications
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(040) 739-623-873